
We believe the church functions best when everyone plays their part


Our teams provide an opportunity for everyone to use their gifts to make Sunday gatherings a place where people encounter God and find community. You can be a part of making that happen!

Our hope is that when you join one of our teams you will feel connected into the life and vision of the church, as well as feeling enriched and encouraged in your own faith. It is also a great way to get to know people. 

There are many ways to serve in all areas of church life. We have highlighted some of the key ones below, but please complete the form to let us know if there are other areas that you are interested in helping with.


10am Gathering

We are always looking for people to serve at our 10am worship gathering. We meet to pray for Sunday worship at 9.15am in the Church Hall and everyone is welcome to join us.

  • We want to make people feel at ease and welcomed into the church family. The team is there to welcome people as they arrive, particularly looking out for newcomers; helping them feel at home and introducing them to other people. You will also be on the lookout for anyone who is by themselves or looking lost during or after the service. One of the team will also give out hymn books and service sheets.

  • Offering hospitality after the service: tea, coffee, etc. - setting up before worship, serving, and then clearing up afterwards.

  • Do you enjoy reading from the Bible or leading others in prayer? Members of the church family lead our intercessions and are on the prayer team praying for others during communion.

  • We are building a team who enjoy working with children and young people, as we help them grow as followers of Jesus.

  • Helping ensure the building is ready for worship, e.g.
    - putting out welcome flags
    - putting heaters on
    - lighting candles, putting out Bibles, etc.
    - clearing up afterwards and making sure the building is ready for the next service

5pm Gathering

We are always looking for people to serve on teams at our 5pm gathering. For each of these teams the commitment is roughly once a month.

  • We want to make people feel at ease and welcomed into the Crossroads family.

    The team is there to welcome people as they arrive, particularly looking out for newcomers; helping them feel at home and introducing them to other people. You will also be on the lookout for anyone who is by themselves or looking lost during or after the service. If you can offer a smile we'd love to have you on team!

    You will need to arrive at 4:30pm to pray together as a team, and to be ready to welcome people at 4:45pm.

  • We want to create a friendly and welcoming environment where people can hang out before and after church.

    The team is there to offer hospitality: tea, coffee and cake! You will set up, serve and then clear up afterwards.

    You will need to arrive at 4:15pm to set up, pray together at 4:30pm and then be ready to welcome people from 4:45pm.

  • We want to pursue the presence of God together by leading our church in worship.

    This team is there to serve our church family, ensuring our time together runs smoothly and by helping enable people to encounter and worship Jesus. You will be operating the screens and/or the sound desk, working with the service leaders and worship team. Even if you have no prior experience, we can train you!

    You will need to arrive at 4:15pm to set up and then to pray together with the team at 4:30pm.

Let us know your interests